Monday, June 10, 2013


Of all positions, the Butterfly positions give some of the best access to the vagina. Some of these are among the most open and exposed positions a woman can offer. They are really great for the phase when the man really wants to climb into the woman and the woman really want to take in the man. These also allow the man to use his hands and fingers to massage the clitoris and breasts more than other positions. With only one exception (The Bridge) they are all very easy to moderate positions. The Bridge does require strength and flexibility on the part of the woman and man. 

Natural Flow 1:

Natural Flow 2:

Natural Flow 3:

Natural Flow 4:

Other Butterfly Positions:

Do not get hung up with these natural flows. They are only examples. You can easily flow from one of these positions into a position that is in one of the other groupings. There is nothing worse than loss of spontaneity.

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